This is Reuben during the very first minute or two of the strange, new experience called "snow". The expression of anxiety and surprise on his face still makes me chuckle.
This is a tighter crop of the previous version of this shot. I think it draws your attention better to Reuben's initial expression as he begins to figure out that snow is kind of cold.
[JPG-SZorig ReubenSnow D100 2005-01-23 DSC 0834]
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Dan -- one more time -- are you SURE its safe to sit on this cold, white stuff?
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Debugging Open Firmware Using Telnet
Debugging Open Firmware Using Telnet:
Developer Documentation: Technical Notes -- CONTENTS
* One machine versus two machine debugging
* Gathering your tools
* Determining telnet capability
* Using the correct Ethernet connection
* Setting up your machines
* Summary
* Downloadables
This Technote addresses debugging your device's firmware using Ethernet and the telnet protocol to connect a client machine running a telnet application to a target machine running Open Firmware. Any engineer or scientist who understands how to communicate at a local bus level with a PCI peripheral may find this technical note interesting.
If you decide to use this telnet method of debugging, be aware that some of the tools used in the Technote are shareware.
Updated: [Oct 16 2000]
Monday, February 28, 2005
NSTextField Shortcuts
After having hit a few keys I expected to work and, to my surprise, they did, here’s a list of what shortcuts you get in Mac OS X’s standard NSTextField object (which is to say, Mac OS 9 shortcuts combined with a subset of emacs shortcuts):
↑ | CTL-O | Move to the previous line |
↓ | CTL-N | Move to the next line |
← | CTL-B | Move to the previous character |
→ | CTL-F | Move to the next character |
OPT-← | Move to the start of the current or previous1 word | |
OPT-→ | Move to the end of the current or next1 word | |
OPT-↑ | CTL-A | Move to the start of the current or previous1 paragraph |
OPT-↓ | Move to the end of the current or next1 paragraph | |
CMD-← | CTL-← | Move to the start of the line |
CMD-→ | CTL-→ | Move to the end of the line |
CMD-↑ | Move to the start of the document | |
CMD-↓ | CTL-V | Move to the end of the document |
SHIFT + anything | Select while moving | |
Delete | CTL-H2 | Delete the previous character |
Forward delete3 | CTL-D | Delete the next character |
OPT-Delete | Delete previous word | |
OPT-Forward Delete | Delete next word | |
CTL-K | Cut from insertion point to the end of the line | |
CTL-T | Transpose the characters around the insertion point | |
CMD-V | CTL-Y | Paste |
Return | CTL-O | New paragraph |
If you never use the Option key for writing international text, you can also drop a file in your Library to add meta-key shortcuts to mimic emacs more fully. You can, of course, hack the file to add your own shortcuts to all programs that use this kind of text field (most of them).
1 Control-key shortcuts do not operate on next/previous items, only command/option shortcuts do.
2 Technically, these are the same thing to the computer.
3 On portables, fn+Delete is forward delete.
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